Airport – Kavala city (bus)
Transit bus service is provided between the Airport and the city of Kavala. There is a public bus stop in front of terminal building. Tickets can be purchased by the bus driver.
Summer timetable
Monday – Tuesday | Monday – Tuesday |
8:15 to 21:45 8:15 to 21:45 | 9:25 to 22:50 9:25 to 22:50 |
Wednesday -Thursday | Wednesday -Thursday |
8:15 to 21:45 8:15 | 9:25 to 22:50 9:25 |
Friday Saturday Sunday | Friday Saturday Sunday |
21:45 8:15 21:45 | 22:50 9:25 22:50 |
Winter timetable
Monday: 7:10 | Monday: 8:10 |
Tuesday: 7:10 + 18:45 | Tuesday: 8:10 + 20:10 |
Wednesday: 18:45 | Wednesday: 20:10 |
Thursday: 18:45 | Thursday: 20:10 |
Friday: 7:10 + 18:45 | Friday: 8:10 + 20:10 |
Saturday: 7:10 | Saturday: 8:10 |
Sunday: 18:45 | Sunday: 20:10 |
Times are subject to change due to weather, or different flight schedule.
See the timetables on the official website.
Fares Single ticket from1.80 EURcurrently £1.62
Airport – Kavala city (taxi)
24/7 metered taxi service is available outside the Kavala Airport Terminal building. The journey from the Airport to Kavala city centre is about 35-40 minutes and fare about
38 EURcurrently £34.23
You may be charged extra if you carry many pieces of luggage