Tel Aviv Skyline

Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport

Israel flag

The largest Israeli airport Tel Aviv Ben Gurion, named after first Israeli Prime Minister is located approx. 20km from Tel Aviv and 50 km from Jerusalem.

It is a hub for El Al airline. Due to thorough security checks, it is necessary to arrive at the airport at least 3 hours ahead of your flight.

The airport is open 24/7 with many night flights.

Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport Transit

There are 2 Terminals at Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport. Terminal 1 operates mainly domestic and low-cost flights, Terminal 3 operates all other flights. There is a free shuttle bus between those two terminals.   Due to thorough security checks, allow at least 60 minutes for your transfer unless airline offers shorter times in their reservation (same airline on both legs of the flight) in which case you will be taken care of.

Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport Transfer


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03:26 Local time
14 °C Local weather
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Lockers located on the G floor, in the 'Vineyard' parking lot and in the 'Orchard' car park and by Duty Free in Arm B Left Baggage